Export Step

This section describes how to add and set up the connection for the Export step applicable to the tasks in the interface. For more information about steps, see Defining Steps


The Export step allows exporting the Employee and Project entities from IConduct to Maringo platform. To create the Export step, navigate to Interfaces> {Specific Interface}> Tasks> {Specific Task}> Steps >New >New Export Step.


To export data from Maringo, follow the steps below:


  1. Select the Maringo connection from the Connection drop-down list.
  2. Select the target entity from the Entity Name drop-down list.
    • Employee
    • Project

These two entities include the following mandatory fields:


Employee Project
  • Business Unit
  • CalendarID
  • ValidFrom
  • EmployeeName
  • EmployeeNumber
  • FirstName
  • FamilyName
  • ProjectNumber
  • BusinessUnit
  • ProjectName
  • MatchCode
  • ProjectType



Note: Only Insert action is available.

  1. Once done, click Save and proceed with mappings.