
The information on this page relates to the new upgraded interface of the IConduct platform. To view information about the Classic version of the user interface, follow this link.


Totara is a powerful learning management system. Totara, or otherwise known as Totara Learn, is an open source talent and learning management system (LMS) that extends upon the core structure of Moodle for corporate, healthcare and government environments. Totara LMS connector allows data flow integration for such entities as users, accounts, and other LMS data.


To configure the Totara connector, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the Main Menu, select Connections and press Create connection.

Accessing connections

  1. Scroll down to the Content Management section and select the Totara LMS item from the list.

Connector Selection Page

  1. In the Totara Provider work area, fill in the following fields and press Create.

Connection Details Area

Please see supported entitles in the table below:

Fields Description


The new connection name. Enter a connection alias here.

Is Active

Toggles connector’s activity at interface execution. Enable the checkbox to activate the connection for execution.

Cloud Agent

The LAN you are working with. Select "IConduct" for cloud systems and your corporate agent for internal systems.

Implementation Type

Defines the implementation type. Select from the drop-down list:

  • Default. IConduct scheduler works on the cloud agent set in the Cloud Agent field.
  • Java. IConduct scheduler works by sending requests to a Java agent.

Is Source

This connection entity is available as a data source for Import (writing to Schema). Enable the checkbox to ensure data import.

Is Target

This connection entity is available as a data target that receives data from schema to current data container. Enable the checkbox to ensure data export.


The length of time (in milliseconds) the IConduct platform waits for a response from the connection provider before returning a timeout error. Set the time value to stop the system from connection attempts.


The box is intended for entering a query.

DateTime Format

Not used in this connector.

Server URL

The service end-point where the request is sent. Insert the target system link here.


API Token

Enter your API token in order to authenticate.


Once the connection is saved, you can test if it is successful. Press the Test Connection button. If the created connection works, you will receive a success message. 

Testing the Connection