
The steps are carried out in a predetermined order.  Some steps can run even if there is a previous runtime error, while others will stop the task from continuing to run when encountering a problem. 


The supported step types include:

  1. Import: Used to import data into the Schema table. This includes the ability to:
  • Import new data into an empty Schema table (Insert).
  • Add new data (Update) to an existing Schema table as a new column(s) or by changing existing data.
  • Delete rows of data upon request when the specific conditions are met.
  • Select to update/insert rows of data depending upon whether a specific set of conditions are met (or not) (Upsert).
  1. Export: Used to export data from the Schema table.
  2. Export/Import: Exporting data from the Schema table to a target application and receiving new data in return.  This is used mainly to run functions on various applications.
  3. Execute Script: Used to run a script on a target application.
  4. Set Parameter: Used to retrieve specific data from a target application and assign it to a specific parameter.
  5. Return Schema to Web Services: Use to return the task's Schema to the web service that activated the interface.
  6. Plugin: Used to download the plugin and run it.
  7. Delay: Use to delay the interface execution.
  8. Go To Step: Used to change the flow of steps execution based on certain conditions.
  9. Go To Task: Used to change the flow of tasks execution based on certain conditions.

Manipulation steps are used to process data within the Schema table and include a vast variety of options. To learn more about each manipulation step, navigate to the following section.

When creating a new step, each type of step will automatically generate the necessary related sub-folders.  See the following table for details:


Step Type Associated Sub-Folders Description



Schema Mappings

Displays a page that supports mapping of specific fields from the data source to specific Schema fields.

Step Connection

Allows you to run the selected Step with more than one data source (Connection).



Schema Mappings

Displays the page that supports associating specific Schema fields to the target application fields.

Parameter Mapping

Maps the parameter to the target application.


No sub-folders available.





Export Mappings

Associates Schema fields to the target application fields.

Export Parameter


Associates the parameters to the target application.

Import Mapping

Associates the data sent by the target information to the Schema fields.

Execute Script

Step Connection

Allows to run the selected Step with more than one data source (Connection).

Set Parameter

No sub-folders available.

Sets the parameter in the schema field.

Return Schema to Web Services

Schema Mappings

Displays the page that supports associating specific Schema fields to be returned to the Web Service.

Plugin Step

No sub-folders available.

Used to upload the plugin and run it.

Delay Step

No sub-folders available.

Used to delay the interface execution.

Go to Step No sub-folders available. Used to change the flow of steps execution based on certain conditions.
Go to Task No sub-folders available. Used to change the flow of tasks execution based on certain conditions.